
Showing posts from June, 2017

Boson X is sciencey also Free

Boson X is a simple time-waster gamey-thing, which has been making quite a furor in the indie game world. Turns out its not only available gratis, but its also Free Software. Its quite a challenging little game, but oh, if only particle physics were this easy. So if you want to experience all of the thrill of being on the edge of a scientific breakthrough with none of the insane amounts of reading and complex calculations (and actual breakthroughs), give it a try. I wish actual science was more like this The source for the engine is available here under the MIT license. The game itself is completely scripted in lua, so will find all of the required data inside the game package itself. Spread it, port it, package it, but remember all of the artwork as well as the brand name are copyrighted.

BO Combat Training Patch v3 FULL RELEASE

The focus of version 3 is primarily on A.I. improvements. DOWNLOAD COMBAT TRAINING PATCH v3 DIRECTLY FROM MEDIAFIRE: Version 3 Changelog: - bots will only pick one unique loadout at the beginning of each round - bots now have more weapon customization options - bots will now use equipment after the first round - bots will now locate dropped bombs in search and destroy and sabotage - fixed a bug that prevented bots from defusing the bomb in search and destroy - fixed hud notification when multiple bots tried to defuse and plant bombs at the same time - bots will now take out the briefcase to plant and defuse bombs - other bug fixes and improvements Let me know what you think of the improvements. More will come in the future. PLEASE NOTE: This patch is designed for the original SK1DR0W release of Black Ops. Im not saying I support illegitimately obtained copies of the game but this patch  ONLY  works ...


BORDERLANDS 2: ALL DLC PACK PATCH UPDATE - BLUS30982:   Spoiler : PATCH UPDATE 1.07: Code: PATCH 1.07 FIX 3.41/3.55: Code: PATCH UPDATE - BLES01684:   Spoiler : PATCH UPDATE 1.07: Code: PATCH 1.07 FIX 3.41/3.55: Code: DLC LINKS BLUS30982:   Spoiler : Captain Scarlett and Her Pirates Booty DLC: Code: Mr. Torgues Campaign of Carnage DLC: Code: Sir Hammerlocks Big Game Hunt...

Brian Lara Cricket 2005 Game Free Download Full Version For PC

Brian Lara Cricket 2005

Cara Agar Artikel Blog Tidak Bisa Di Copy Paste

No Copas, ,haha Yo sobat blogger semua, Apakah ada Sobat semua yang blogny tidak ingin di Copas? Kalo begitu Sobat bisa menyimak langkah-langkah berikut untuk menjaga atau membuat blog tidak bisa di copy paste. 1. Anda harus login terlebih dahulu ke blog Anda. Setelah berhasil login 2. Masuk ke Menu Template dan kemudian klik edit HTML. Carilah kode </head > dan kemudian klik 1x pada kotak kode. Tekan CTRL+F untuk memulai dan juga memudahkan Anda untuk melakukan pencarian. Setelah itu copy kan kode ini Tepat Dibawah </head>,  Kodenya : ======================================================================= <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> if (typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined") { document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false"); } else{ document.onmousedown=new Function ("return false"); document.onmouseup=new Function ("return true"); } </SCRIPT> =====================================================...

Bullshot Free Download

Bullshot Free Download Bullshot Free Download PC Game setup in single direct link for Windows. Bullshot is a fantastic action game. Bullshot PC Game 2016 Overview Bullshot has been developed and published under the banner of Gato Salvaje S.L. This game was released on 23 rd November, 2016 . You can also download Redemption Saints and Sinners. Bullshot has been set in Planet Valer which is twenty light years from AR-K space station. This station has been inhabited by very peaceful and easy going Valerians. But war has been imposed on these peaceful people  by evil cardesians. Cardesians now rule the planet with iron fist and has deprived the Valerians of their basic rights. Frank F. Franky who is the president of Bulls of Anarchy has been on a mission to set the valerians free by destroying the cardesians from inside. This game has got 9 challenging levels with 5 bonus stages. This game has got endless ammunition which can be used for ripping apart your enemies. The game has a...

Cara Membuat Fake Login Gemscool

Cara Manual : 1. Buka Notepad 2. Masukan Script Ini Script 3. Simpan dengan index.html 4. Terus Buat logs.php Masukan script dibawah ini logs.php << KLIK 5. Lalu Buat file .txt ("passwords.txt" 6. Upload Ke Hostingan anda ^_^

Cara Mempercepat Modem Smartfren Menggunakan DNS Jumper

Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan sedikit tutorial yang mungkin akan sedikit membantu sahabat haramain software yang bermasalah dengan kecepatan modem smartfren. Sekaligus Haramain software mengucapkan selamat berpuasa bagi seluruh sahabat haramain software yang beragama islam. Tutorial ini sengaja saya tulis karena kebetulan saya menggunakan modem smartfren dan mengalami masalah, yaitu modem smartfren yang saya gunakan leletnya bukan main sampai ahirnya saya banting juga modem smartfren saya gara-gara modem saya lelet.  Biar tidak terlalu banyak basa-basi, langsung saja kita masuk ke tutorial yang sebenarnya yaitu cara mempercepat internet modem smartfren. 1. Yang pertama siapkan terlebih dahulu alatnya yaitu modem smartfren dan DNS Jumper. Kalau belum punya DNS Jumper, silahkan download saja disini ( Download DNS Jumper ) 2. Kemudian Connect-kan terlebih dahulu modem smartfren sobat dan jalankan program DNS Jumper yang sudah di download tersebut. Tampilannya akan seperti d...

Call Of Duty Ghosts PS3 All DLC BLES BLUS

update 1.14 [BLUS31270] Code: update 1.14 [BLES01945] Code: DLCS FreeFall Map Pack DLC  [BLUS31270] Code: [BLES01945] Code: Onslaught [BLUS31270] Code: [BLES01945] Code: Devastation [BLUS31270] Code: [BLES01945] Code: Invasion [BLUS31270] Code: [BLES01945] Code: DLC F?X Code:


Hello sobbat kali ini Admin Mau bagi2 ilmu lagi nih Masih sama sperti 2 postingan Sebelumnya Mengenai ilmu tentang Ms.Word Nah kali ini admin mau share ilmu admin sesuai Judul diatas Tapi sebelum membaca Langkah2 nya Baca Bismilah dulu yah agar ilmu yang di Baca Menjadi Barokah Langsung aja nih Cara nya: 1.Buka Ms word Pilih Menu Insert Dan klik shapes lalu pilih shapes sesuka hati sobat kalo admin nyaranin yang gampanga aja Kyk Persegi Panjang dan Klik. 2.BuatLah shapes yang kita pilih tadi dan Berilah Warna Pada shapes yang Kita buat Tadi. 3.Lalu setelah itu Klik Kanan Pada shapes dan Pilih Add text Dan tulis sesuai Kehendak sobat. 4.Setelah tulisan di buat Blog semua tulisan Lalu pilih menu format dan pilih text direction Lalu aturdeh Rata tengan Dan font tulisan Maka akan Jadi seperti Ini. Nah Sekian dulu yah Sobat Artikel yang saya Buat semoga bermanfaat sampai jumpa lagi……….

Black Mirror Uma série fenomenal sobre tecnologia

Antes de tudo tenho que dizer que eu poderia ter gostado de Black Mirror mais do que gostei no fim das contas, isso porque eu só assisto, jogo, leio, etc quando acho que é a hora certa. Tem uma quantidade imensa de coisas que eu gostaria de analisar no blog, mas simplesmente não estou empolgado pra conferir naquele momento. E no caso de Black Mirror foi diferente, ela estava na lista de espera, mas do nada alguma coisa aconteceu e as pessoas começaram a falar, falar, falar e falar... Só que o problema é que começaram a surgir spoilers, sendo que eu queria assistir sem saber nada, no fim o único jeito foi assistir logo. A única coisa que eu sabia sobre a série é que tinha um toque psicológico e os finais dos episódios eram surpreendentes. Eu queria que continuasse assim pra me surpreender de verdade, mas infelizmente já fui assistir sabendo de muita coisa, além de que com pessoas gritando pra todo lado o quanto é uma série espetacular, foi impossível não acontecer aquilo da expectativa...

Book Review Revolutionary Cooking

Elverson, Virginia T., Mary Ann McLanahan and Betty T. Duson. Revolutionary Cooking: Over 200 Recipes Inspired by Colonial Meals. New York: Skyhorse Publishing. 2013. Index, bibliography, glossary, color and b/w illustrations. 180 pages, 169 pages text, ISBN 9781626364165, $16.95. Reprinted from the original printing done in 1975 this cookbook slash history book has both pros and cons. The authors stated goal is " entertain the reader with highlights of American culinary heritage and to provide a collection of recipes, adapted from early sources, which are both delicious and practical." The book is divided into six chapters: The Way it Was, Breakfast, Dinner, Supper and Tea, Drinking, Entertainment. The last five all begin with some history and descriptions before showcasing a multitude of recipes. This history aspect is where I had my biggest issues. The terms "colonial" and "revolutionary" are not defined and the authors tend to use a broader time f...

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 FREE DOWNLOAD

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 : In short we can say that this version of the game Modern Warfare is one of the best published version. This version of the game Call of Duty game Battlefield 3 is one of the major contenders.   Features of the game include fantastic graphics and making the process more difficult than previous versions of the game out pills or game designed according to the high volume graphics and the high for the implementation of it does not need is one of its strengths.   And this is very good news for fans of the genre will experience a really exciting match.   The Call of Duty series of games related to war between America and Russia on the territory of the Russian military areas is attacking America.   While the two commanders (Price and MacTavish) were wounded and on the run and in hiding, sometimes hiding in India until some time after Russian forces find them and attacked their hideout ... The creators of this modern warfare game designed it s...

Boston Celtics Theme For Windows 7 And 8

Title                                          Download Boston Celtics Player Basketball Windows 7 And 8 Theme Picture                                      10 Background Images (1920x1200 Pixel HD Quality Wallpaper) Costumize desktop icon         Yes Costumize Folder icon            No Costumize sound theme        Windows Default Sound Color line tool bar                     Automatic Color Size Theme                             4 MB Theme Support                          Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional, Window...

Cara Melihat Dan Bertemu Saudara Kembar Gaib

Image Ternyata semua manusia punya kembaran ghaib.Apakah anda tahu bahwa Setiap manusia di lahirkan tak sendiri? Manusia memiliki saudara kembar yang sama persis dengan kita yang lahir secara ragawi. Saudara kembar ini dalam sejarah jawa biasa disebut dengan saudara papat limo pancer. Kemudian di mana saudara kembar kita berada? Ini bukan mistik dan masuk dunia hantu tahayul, tetapi kisah yang bisa di buktikan jika kita mau dan be r kehendak baik tanpa tendensi apapun, hanya ingin melihat saudara kembar kita di dunia ini. Cara Melihat Dan Bertemu Saudara Kembar Gaib : Cabut 7 helai rambut kepala. Ambil 7 potongan kuku tangan / kaki. Bila sudah, taruh dan letakkan di sepotong helai kain putih (jenis kainnya apa saja, yang penting warna terbanyak putih) Kemudian gulung kain tersebut Teteskan jeruk purut atau jeruk nipis, 1 buah saja dan peras sampai habis. Teteskannya di kain putih tadi. Terus, letakkan kain yang berisi rambut dan kuku tadi di taman / halaman ...


              Hallo sobat semua nya gimana nih kabar nya Baik2 kan Sebelum membaca Di harapkan baca bismilah dulu yah sobat Agar semuanya yang kita kerjakan menjadi Berkah nih, Nah sekarang langsung ajayah Admin ngasih tau sesuai dengan judul artikel di atas nih Cara nya: 1.Buka Dokumen Ms.word Sobat yang mau di jadikan 2 Baris , 2,Blog semua Semua tulisan yang Mau di jadikan Menjadi 2 Baris 3.Lalu setelah selesai di blog klik page layout dan klik columns pilih TWO nih sobat contobh nya Nah mudah kan sobbat sampai disini Duluyah Semoga ilmu yang saya Bagi ini Menjadi Bermanfaat Kritik dan Saran di Komentar ajayah…